
Here are a few items I’ve written. These don’t include feature articles or technical stuff. But they’re something.

Last Stand. A novel about one-hit wonder Parker Davis, a guy with a chip on his shoulder the size of the gold-plated record hanging in his front hall.

Dancing the River Lightly. A novel. A storm. A frolic through the woods. And much much more.

5-Spot ebook travel series. Each book provides information about five free places to visit in one of many cities and regions around the country.

“Birds of Paradise,” Silk Road Review, Volume 6, Issue 2 (Summer-Fall 2011). Last I checked, you could read the story here.

Pacific Passion. Fraser, Colorado: DB Publications, 1987. Part of the proposed gag-gift series “ToileTales: Read ’em ’n’ wipe.” Like the last book, the link is to Amazon. I was quite surprised to find this book listed. One used copy. I’m tempted to buy it myself, just because I can.

Ebook Now: The Essential and Simple Guide to Creating and Publishing Professional Ebooks for Kindle and ePub. The title says it all. Unfortunately, the book is no longer available.

You can also view a list of my books on my Amazon author page and Smashwords author page.